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Le’Ron Byrd Named Co-Chair of North Carolina Bar Association Litigation Section Diversity Committee

Parry Law, PLLC attorney Le’Ron Byrd has been appointed co-chair of the North Carolina Bar Association Litigation Section Diversity Committee. The Diversity Committee works to identify and recruit diverse candidates for Litigation Section Council membership and to promote educational and training opportunities relevant to diversity and inclusion.

The North Carolina Bar Association (NCBA) is a voluntary statewide organization composed of more than 20,000 lawyers, judges, paralegals, and law students. The Litigation Section is one of the largest sections of the NCBA, including both plaintiff and defense attorneys. The Litigation Section Council, on behalf of Section membership, takes the lead in addressing changes to the rules of civil procedure, the ethics rules, and other statutes affecting civil litigation; organizes CLE programs and services; coordinates a blog for Section members on topics of interest; organizes networking events for civil litigators, judges, and court staff around the State; and helps to mold the NCBA’s legislative agenda for presentation to the General Assembly.

The firm’s lawyers value service to the Bar Association and the community. Alan Parry is a longtime Litigation Section Council member, who just recently concluded his term as the Chair of the Litigation Section. Le’Ron Byrd and fellow Parry Law, PLLC attorney Jonah Garson were elected to the NCBA Litigation Section Council in July.

Mary Parry